Integrate i2Arabic with your Website

Millions of Arabic people worldwide would love to search the web, email, comment, or share content on social networks in Arabic language. However, either they do not have access to an Arabic keyboard, or they do, but they type English faster than Arabic.

I2Arabic is an English-Arabic Transliteration technology that writes Arabic language on behalf of users who type Arabic using English alphabet such as saba7 el5er, mabrouk, 3oqbalak, etc. I2Arabic will write instead صباح الخير، مبروك، عقبالك

Now, you can integrate i2Arabic with any TextBox (ex: search, login, password, etc) or TextArea (ex: comment, content, etc) on your website by following these simple steps.

i2Arabic will give your Arabic users a great experience while exploring the great Arabic content on your site. No registration is needed and yes, It's totally Free.!

Step 1

Insert the following i2Arabic API to the header section of your HTML page. Replace BoxId in the init() function with your TextBox/TextArea ID.

<html> <head>
</head> <body> ...
Step 2

Upload the following php file api.i2arabic.php to your web server document root. This step is only needed for Internet Explorer users.

TextBox Demo

Type Arabic using English letters. Press Spacebar after every English word to convert to Arabic.

<input type="text" id="TextBoxId" />
TextArea Demo

Type Arabic using English letters. Press Spacebar after every English word to convert to Arabic.

<textarea id="TextAreaId"></textarea>